B. A Nameless Derivative
above the median fencetop horizon we collect ourselves from a timeless evacuation vacillation and return you must search my mask for my eyes presence hath no quality before itself thus the instructive necessity of every sentient monstrosity: to slake off the erotology of attention for that to which we are drawn will fall away until the jowls of hunger the rivers of decrudescence the hunched and muscular shoulders that lurk and threaten in the mist . . . Only geometry remains to evolve the archetype: an accord of diagrammatic space such that the blue jellies survive the holy goblet-- its shape, that is, that is more puissant than any shadow ululations of blueness, silver, bublets that might be eyes below below skeletal incandescence embryonic enframing outline reenters the entity the crystalline blackness at the bottom encourages the incorrigible sky